GUINNESS looking for members!


Your gil count running a little low? Would you like to up it dramatically??

Welcome to GUINNESS linkshell, we look to do anything to advance our members, and this includes giving them a substantial paycheck!

Jobs we need!


What you need to have to join!~

PLD~ Aegis/Ochain, W. Legs, and the ability to have capped MDT and PDT, and most importantly "KNOW HOW TO AND WHEN TO SWITCH BETWEEN YOUR SHIELDS!

BRD~ Gjallahorn at the least!, 3~4 songs on harpe preferred, Both 99'd gets first keeps.

SCH~ a complete Stun set! This includes Staves, FC gear, Haste gear, upgraded relics etc. Complete Cure pot gear, make sure to reach cap, and have plenty of haste and FC along with it so your not useless! You need Refresh/regen/MDT/PDT/Cursna/Enhancing/Stun sets!

WHM~ Full cure POT. gear, full FC gear, BE ABLE TO PAY ATTENTION, figure out and be able to keep a haste rotation! You need a refresh set, and MDT set, a PDT set, a Regen set. You need capped enhancing magic, with some merits preferred, have a very well geared cursna set, I cannot stress this enough!

GEO~ Capped/merited skills. Refresh/regen/PDT/MDT sets! Have full AF. FC/Haste sets as well

RDM~ Enfeebling, enfeebling, enfeebling. It's been your job since day one, make sure its capped, make sure you have plenty of MACC and enfeebling skill.

Other Requirements~

Every player needs refresh, regen, pdt, mdt, and hybrid sets!!!!!

Must play on computer and have access to skype/vent any teamspeak type of programs, communication is key! Have FFXIAH sets of all of your gear sets so when you apply, we can see what you have, and what we would be working with. Spellcast, it's a given, it's a must! Time, you must actually play, not once a month, but preferrably every single day!

Leader: Blazeoffury

Officers: Vodkaa

Thanks everyone,


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